Sunday, June 19, 2011

TRAVELOGUE: The Bizarro World (Camping--Day Three)

One of the Great Truths of the "Seinfeld" show was in their acknowledgement of the Bizarro World. If you've read my profile you know that I've moved around a lot and every new place I go, I tend to find myself in the company of the bizarro twins of the people I've just left someplace else. Or maybe they find me.

Today I met up with the Camp Host who is so much the bizarro of the first friend I made when I moved to this area 15-plus years ago that I almost called him by that name. It was eerie but sweet. I think if I ever found myself in the plot of one of those back-from-the-dead-second-chance-at-life movies, I would have my motivation all polished off and ready to go, as in: "You don't realize you know me but you do and I am saddled with remembering to keep the secret".

Hubby is also privy to this knowing and we have collected an entire set of people in a handful of states to whom we refer as "Bizarro This" or "Bizarro That" as those are simply, to us, their proper names. These people run the range from dear friend to casual acquaintance. There's the school parent in one state who is the bizarro twin of the grocery store checker in another, the ice cream man there who is a twin of the sandwich shop guy someplace else, and the helpful tech-savvy kid close by who is the lost twin of one of my old writer friends from two-plus decades ago. They are everywhere if only you look for them.

I like to think it's like Doritos flavors--there are only so many and that's it. They don't branch off into an infinity of flavors--there are a lot--but eventually you get back to the same little chip gene pool. For though we all come in tons of shapes, sizes, and flavors, it seems to me that we're all one family, one bizarre, quirky little family.

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