Friday, July 22, 2011

Boehner Pills: Stiff Medicine

So, as if the current state of the American economy and the inertia of our political leaders wasn't enough, tonight we were given a new tough pill to swallow. It seems that The Tan Man has decided to let the nut jobs talk him into ruining what's left of our economic future by walking out on President, and the American people, from talks aimed at finding an agreement that would allow us to raise our debt ceiling, something we've been doing forever without much if any flack.

I have to wonder just how heartless these elephants can be; it seems they have no idea, or no care that a drop in our credit rating would completely crash our markets and throw a whole new set of people out of their jobs. Those with jobs would face a LOT higher taxes in the form of interest rates that would soar on all our purchases and loans. Take that to heart if you have one, Grover Norquist!

I don't like that President has offered to give in on some cuts that I know full well will hurt a lot of people who truly need government services, but I understand that given who he's trying to persuade, he feels he has to meet them three-quarters of the way. Why the Repukelicons are unwilling to even go that last one-fourth of the way is beyond me entirely.

Let's set aside the obvious BS that allows the top-earners to pay less in taxes than the rest of us. Let's even set aside the fact that hedge fund managers pay only the 15% capital gains rate on their profits, not an income tax rate, when they were primary in causing the Great Recession in the first freaking place. Rather, let's look at this: Say you want to buy a car or a house. Say you qualify for the loan and the paperwork is close to completion when the creditor comes to you and says, "We'll give you the money, but you need to cut that much out of your budget somewhere else before we can sign off on this." How many of us would have cars and houses then? That's the litmus test Boehner and his crowd need in order to consider a raise in revenue. Absolutely ludicrous.

I know they're going to talk again at the White House tomorrow--President, Boehner, McConnell, Reid and Pelosi--and I hope clearer heads prevail. But I was heartened to see President's anger in his press conference this evening. He's mad and by crap he should be. How would any sane person feel trying to deal with all he has to deal with, knowing all he has to know, and doing all he can (and not all of it with his party's blessing) to appease the unappeasable?

I know there are a lot of hurdles to be jumped through and conditions that must be met before President can pull out the Constitutional card, but I swear if these jackasses push him there I hope he doesn't shy away from using it. Just what the tea party needs, to be cut off at the pass by the Constitution they say they want the country to be governed by. Aren't you all really glad you chose to pick your fight with a Constitutional Law professor?

I've had my say, as George used to tell Grandpa on "The Real McCoys", and though I do not feel cleansed, at least I've done my bit to spread the truth as I see it to be. Ideology is a wonderful thing to share, but it loses it's luster when you begin to force yours onto someone else. And too, it's best to remember that ideologies are not static, not some solid that can never reform itself or better itself when confronted with new information or a new situation. They're meant to be guides, not weapons.

I'll keep everything that's loose and flexible crossed between now and August 2nd, hoping that sense wins the day. But failing that, I'll pin my aspirations onto audacity.

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