Thursday, August 18, 2011

Would you like to play a game?

Can you match the weird phrases with their "explanative" answers?

1. Chippenseal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a. What Gerrard Depardieu heard on the plane.
2. Money4nuthin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b. Not a sofa made of aquatic mammals, my new road.
3. I'mnottawatch~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~c. What CBC sees in President's Little River Tour.
4. Bylowsellouthigh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d. Why Christine O'Donnell left the show early.
5. UrinerowP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e. What "The Situation" managed to swing.

(Insert the thinking music from "JEOPARDY" here as you muse over your other words, as you try to figure out what the heck all that is trying to say to you.) Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah...dah dah dah dah DAH, dah-dah-dah-dah-dah.  Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah...DAH, dah dah dah, DAH, DAH, DAH, boom-boom.

Time's up!
1. b
2. e
3. d
4. c
5. a

And to think, those aren't even the stupidest stories of the week! I feel another Cockeyed Gazette coming on before too much longer! (But I will try not to focus on the new might fall "flat".)

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