Sunday, September 4, 2011

Political Anagrams: "A Topical Sign Alarm"

Who is:
a) Mr. Money Tit?
b) Prick-erry?
c) R. Sick Man Tour?
d) Abba Karma Co.?
e) I. Eden Job?
f) An M.B. Heal Chic Men?
g) Our Plan?
h) Ran Nice Ham?
i) Gen. Ring Witch?
j) Hon. Jan N. Smut?
k) Lt. Y. Pawn Time?
l) A. Sharp Nail?
m) H. H. Nere No Job?


  1. It took me a while to get the last one...
    Mitt Romney
    Rick Perry
    Rick Santorum
    Barack Obama
    Joe Biden
    Michele Bachmann
    Ron Paul
    Herman Cain
    Newt Gingrich
    Jon Huntsman
    Tim Pawlenty
    Sarah Palin
    John Boehner


  2. Edythe is, as usual, correct! (For those of you at home, I'm bowing right now.)
