Sunday, December 11, 2011

Making Reasonable in Des Moines

So I watched the Thing last night: The GOP Debate aired by ABC, the throwback channel. Even in HD it felt like the '80s. Why is that?

I really did think that overall, the candidates made nice; they seemed to be lining up running mate possibilities at a few junctures. And though they disagreed frequently, I didn't find any overt examples of assininity. (A miracle in itself with the Newtster on the stage.)

And to my taxed little mind, several candidates made some good--though wrong--points. In other words, they seemed to have a grasp of their opinions and made their case on certain points. I'd put Mitt Romney, Rick (and this pains me) Santorum, Rick Perry, and Ron Paul in this category. Michele Bachmann was somewhat successful at fending off a couple of attacks, but the camera shots of her hubby in the audience were price-less!

And Newt? Newt is an ass. If you slept through those same '80s that ABC's production values seemed to harken back to, you do not recall the rise of this hideous beast. Newt is Newt's biggest fan. He's more of a chameleon than Romney, somehow managing to be inflexible at the same time. Newt is bad news.

No one knows for sure how this will all turn out: I'm thinking brokered convention AND third-party candidate. Then again, I stare at car crashes. I defiantly look directly into the sun.

As long as President Obama is re-elected and Newt Gingrich goes back under his K-Street rock, I'll call it a good day. We've had our dinner; might as well stay for the movie.

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