Monday, January 9, 2012

20 Questions I'd Ask the Debaters

1. Which would be easier to sell to the wealthy: Paying more in taxes or re-instating the draft?

2. What do "social conservatives" conserve? Love, individual liberty, free pursuits of happiness?

3. What "entitlement" have you benefitted from that you would be willing to cut for others?

4. What issues should never be put to a vote of the people on a ballot?

5. How is collective bargaining different from congressional caucusing?

6. What has the Tea Party gotten wrong and how would you correct it?

7. Where would your administration spend and cut research dollars?

8. When should religion not be involved with government?

9. What's the worst thing a Republican has ever done and the best thing a Democrat has ever done?

10. Why shouldn't dishonest bankers, lenders, and stockbrokers go to jail?

11. Should we spend more on prisons or schools?

12. How will we know if you're taking on corporations and lobbyists?

13. How would you use the bully pulpit to advance the cause of wellness?

14. If corporations believe in the free market and democracy, why are they afraid to let their employees vote on whether on not to unionize?

15. If you could add three Amendments to the US Constitution what would they be?

16. When is it okay for humans to interfere with the "natural order"?

17. How much privatizing and deregulation does it take to turn a nation into a corporation?

18. When is it okay to censor legal materials?

19. If all Americans should be treated equally under the law, why can't the government guarantee them fair pay, decent health care, and a good education?

20. If you had to pick a Democrat as your VP running mate, who would you pick and why?

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