Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'm In With the Out Crowd

It has finally dawned on me, after a half-century of being a Democrat, that WE are not the outsiders, we've just allowed ourselves to be labeled as such. If your party is the one advocating for the rights of all families to be equal, of all workers to be treated fairly, of all persons no matter their beliefs to be heard, of all gender identifications to serve, of a cleaner environment, and of the existence of a Middle Class, then you should be the ones demanding the return of your country.

But we're too nice. Oh, okay, W. Sure, you loosened the pickle jar for eight years. It's not like that President guy did anything but slip off the little Bin Laden lid. And yes, we aren't always as quick as a Rachel Maddow on a Sunday show to correct "inaccuracies" or, what lesser-evolved beings might refer to as M'Fing Lies: We don't say such things. We don't pull our National Convention out of a state where they are about to move BACKWARD on family rights, about to regress away the tiny gains that had been made. No, we just suggest that the hate-mongering preacher in NC might wanna have a look at "American Beauty" so he can see how the whole "beat the crap outta your gay kid" thing works out.

We are the donkeys, but we aren't the jackasses. Sorry elephants--see how I had to say "sorry"--but that would be you guys. Yes, there are some simple differences in opinion and in policy between reasonable people...thank goodness for that. But when killing Bin Laden is bad and beating kids is good--well, you lost me there.

I remember during the Decade of Bullying when I was young, that bullies are people who spread rumors and tell falsehoods, they push you around and call you names, they isolate you by your differences from them. Sound pachedermy yet? Rove, rove, rove your boat-load of lies: "Forward" means Marxist (except when both Bushes used it) and Healthcare For Most is evil (unless The Heritage Foundation is cool with it). And speaking of boats...we didn't stand up in 2004 and look what happened. This is THAT kind of election, I fear. Should President be up by 30 points? Of course. But these folks have a history of stealing elections; CLOSE ONES make their nefarious jobs easier. Then there's the suppression...and ALEC...and the poorly-named Citizens United.

I was loathe to call a lot of this racism four years ago. I knew some would be, some always is. And we sure saw a ton of that in the August 2009 town halls! But the more we Democrats are painted as the infidels, the more I wonder just where does the fear and anger come from? Changing demographics? Outmoded industries? The Occupy Movement?

Whether the Republicans are worried that they showed up at the wrong ballpark after the game had already been played or not, one thing is as clear as the glass keeping things briny in that pickle jar:
You gotta really hate a black man to knock the death of Bin Laden!

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