Thursday, May 26, 2011

Graduation Celebrations

Today is really neat. My last kid is leaving elementary school, bound for the middle school with her brother. The thing you need to know (and I hope those of you with younger kids are in the same, happy boat) is that this school is special. I don't think I've ever come across a better atmosphere in any school anywhere, and I've been in a lot of them. The kids are great, the teachers and staff are exceptional, and the parents are really involved. Though we only had one year at this school, it was an eventful one and we will sorely miss it.

This morning my hubby and I attended the final assembly to watch the fifth graders play a recorder concert for us and then sing. Then we said goodbye to a few teachers and staff who are moving on. I did just fine until the parents, teachers, staff, and all the kindergartners-fourth graders turned to face the fifth graders on stage to sing the school song one last time. I'm almost tearing up again. In just a few minutes we are headed back for the fifth graders Final School Walk-Thru, a sweet and no doubt tearful tradition at the school.

My husband and I were talking on the way out of the school earlier about our graduations from high school. His memory was of everyone gathering outside after the ceremony to bid each other goodbye. My high school held its ceremony on the football field, and my memory was of filing into the stadium, each of us with a red carnation in hand to place in the big "80" sign on the stage which consisted of small holes on a white board--signifying our Class Of 1980. These traditions--whether they be for preschool or high school are sacred rites and I hope we all have a special memory of them.

If you would like to share yours here, please do; we will all be the wealthier in spirit for your contribution.

For now, I must head out for the walk-thru. This will be something I know we will always remember and cherish.

And while summer may take us hither and yon, I have a strong feeling that we'll often find ourselves down the road in that playground, hitting the tennis ball or playing on the basketball court. Perhaps practicing our upper body strength on the monkey bars, surely swinging. And we will sit inside the little Clubhouse and read all the sweet sayings about friendship and cooperation. For while we may not have a child in active attendance there, it will always and forever be a part of our community and our family.

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