Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Love Letters

Dear Mr. President,
I don't think we have anything terribly important next Wednesday night--the kids will probably have homework, the boy will blow his horn, and some volunteer event may come up--so we'd love to have you over to give your speech here.

I'm sorry that Mr. Boehner wouldn't come out to play and I do not want you to feel left out. Besides when you're through, you can laugh at me yelling at the competition on the televised debate. Husband has beer in the fridge, the dogs would love to meet Bo, and the kids would all get along great--big backyard, treehouse, etc.

Hope to see you,

Dear Mr. Boehner,
You obviously didn't go to an elementary school with the "if you aren't gonna invite the whole class do not bring the invitations into the classroom" rule. Dude, you can't shut somebody down like that so publicly.

You come from a big family, you know how feelings can get hurt. The man has you over all the time, takes you out golfing, and you cannot make time to have him over to your place? It just seems rude.

I know he may have questionable timing--I get that--but even if he is playing a game it's just making you look like the bad guy. You might wanna reconsider, or at least come up with a better excuse. (I don't think doing your hair will work, maybe applying that deck stain you use as a skin tone would be more believable?)

So be a dear and let the President know that it's not him, it's you. Otherwise he's gonna think you're just not that into him. Then all the other legislators will be all talking smack and cutting him looks. You know how they all stop talking sometimes when you enter the room. Yeah, ouch.

Thanks for considering,

P.S. Dear Readers: Is the President playing politics? I can't decide. On the one hand you have the lack of respect for the Office of the President of the United States of America and on the other hand you have a debate that was planned six months ago. Sure, the respect issue outweighs a debate, but why stir the pot? Maybe it's POTUS' only open night next week. Whaddaya think? I hope the answer leads to a good jobs package with teeth. No matter what the date, it cannot be soon enough for the unemployed.

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