Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where the Hell Do I Start, Bucko?

"No More Cowboy Presidents" was the phrase a fellow Coloradan painted on a sign on his ranch a few years back. I wonder if he still has it up or if the wind, sun, rain, and snow have erased the urgency of his plea.

If that sign's not up it should be because this weekend--in South Carolina--Rick Perry (R-Tx, Governor) is going to announce his run for the Republican Party nomination for POTUS. Good crapping grief! Really, do we need to see that movie again? How could anyone with synapses choose to endure a third Bush presidency? Or another Texas governor? (Ann Richards excluded, may she rest in peace.)

Ten Things Rick believes:
1. It's okay to discriminate against non-heterosexuals.
2. Nobody cares if you have a massive number among you who are uninsured.
3. Nobody cares even less if you have a huge contingent of people in poverty.
4. Tax cuts, no regulations, and closing NO loopholes is good fiscal policy.
5. Christianity is the only valid religion.
6. He hears voices.
7. There is no wall between church and State.
8. We don't need a wall on the border with Mexico. (And good for him on this one.)
9. Immigrants have the right to an education. (Again, good for him.)
10. Guns is good. But then again, so is any form of cap'tal punishment.

We've all suffered through lousy sequels--and my couple of dear Texas friends, I'm sorry--but do we want to go anywhere near a presidential candidate who could hold the reigning title of Governor of Texas for 11 years? (Believe me, I'd say the same thing about any other hard-right leaning state's executive, especially if that state toyed with or actually followed through on seceeding...Hi, my S.C. pals!)

Please tell me that we've grown out of this rebellious ignorance-is-bliss stage in our national dialogue. Tell me we've overcome our terrible twos: You know, using the word "no" a lot. Oh, and the crappy father-and-son presidencies: Yes, John Adams, I cared a great deal for you in my youth, but I cannot get past that whole "Alien and Sedition Act" folly. And J. Quincy was downright conservative compared with you. Now with cousins I have no problem. I love both Roosevelts so much so that two of my dogs are named for them.

My fellow Americans please, oh please, do not let us go into that dark night of the Dark Ages again! And my fellow Southern-born folks please don't be fooled by these false prophets nor false apostles. Finally, my fellow Westerners, don't stare at the shine of his gun and the gait of his walk. Those effects are meant to enthrall you, hypnotize you, draw you in. If Reagan wasn't bad enough for you think Bush. Think the burning bush if that helps--but for gosh sakes think about what we're still left cleaning up after that last horse rode through town.

And let that be a sign unto you. A sign which hopefully still proudly stands under a pure blue Colorado sky, reading: "No More Cowboy Presidents".

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