Thursday, November 10, 2011

To Market, To Market, To Please a Gov. Rick

Yeah, everybody's talking 'bout a revolution. No, they're all a-flutter about Perry forgetting what he feels so strongly about that he must abolish it. Was it death row inmates? Naw. He can remember that one. Maple syrup? Hell, no! He loves that stuff. I'm getting tired...Ooh, ooh, that's it, the Department of Energy. Add that to Commerce and Education and you got yourself a danged good Texas chili recipe for, well, gas.

But our friend Gov. Rick Perry got out one message loud and clear: Leave it ALL to the "free" market. Now I don't know about you, but the markets I go to are anything but free. Have you seen the price of peanut butter lately? Or butter? Or peanuts? Geez. If they have them free markets in Texas, I might have to make a road trip.

And Rick, poor thang, he just wants to bring all that "free" to our kids' higher learnings. He wants governors and state legislatures (A.K.A. zoos) to appoint bean counters as trustees of their state's universities. (Ever worked in an office, or for a corporation that swept in with a downsizing money-monkey? How'd that work out for ya?) Rick wants to move as much of that learning to the Interwebs so our children can all be home-colleged! Innovation at work, Texas-style. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not against distance learning, I just think them younguns outta get more of the whole college experience, like, I don't know, seeing a different town, gaining a perspective, evolving a world view beyond that of the block they grew up on. Or, they could just learn about distances I guess.

Bean counters. Now we're back to the price of legumes again. Or at least the price of letting a bunch of nuts run our markets and our kids' thought patterns. Isn't it enough that the Texas Board of Education "censors" and selects our textbooks for us? Must we go whole-hog Lone Star?

I'd prefer all fifty stars, thank you very much. And some Beano.

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