Thursday, March 15, 2012

It Ain't Easy, Bleeding Green

It's hard out there for a Muppet these days. Seems everyone is out to get them.

So they come out of retirement to release a new film. Of course critics will have their say, and the Republicans will see wolves' clothing where there aren't even sheep. But Goldman Sachs execs? And now the Widder Cobain? What gives?

According to former equity derivatives Goldman employee, Greg Smith, his colleagues routinely referred to their clients as "muppets". He didn't seem to think they meant to categorize those folks as soft, plushy, tender, nor studied in the Vaudevillian tradition. And Courtney Love, adoringly known to some--mainly me--as the Widder Cobain, claims the shaggy set had no rights to use Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" in the aforementioned movie. Turns out she sold off 25% of her stake in hubby's music legacy, along with distribution rights, and that the two remaining members of the band had given their okays to the project.

But evidently, the damage is done. Kermit the Frog has had to nail down a side gig on "The Colbert Report" as a "swampland political analyst" assessing the current GOP field. Hi-Ho! I look forward to his analysis of Gonzo Gingrich and Sam (the eagle) Santorum. (He's already dealt with Mitt "Tex Richman" Romney in the film. And Ron Paul could be played by any Muppet of your choosing.) Kermie can keep us up on all the slitherings of Newt and the holes in the holy arguments of Sanctimonious Santorum. He can remind Mitt that it ain't easy being greedy, and maybe he will actually cover poor little Ronnie Paul. (Where in the world is Ron? MSM doesn't care.)

But I think Kermit will survive just fine. Anything that these turmoils in his life have caused to slough off can always regenerate. And as for the Goldman-Love connection? He's used to greed and tough women. Just ask Miss Piggy.

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