Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Season's Greetings

I rarely do anything by the clock nor the calendar, but my psyche sensed something this weekend and swoosh, a curtain came down on the winter of my malcontentedness.

I got the energy. I haven't had the energy in a while--no I won't say how long, you'd laugh--and was doubtful it would ever return. But I find that in the past couple of days I have planted seeds--watermelon and tomato sprouts are just coming up--turned and separated the compost into three containers, organized all my correspondence, rearranged the living room furniture a bit, swept the floors, and cooked then cooked some more.

This morning I was off to assist with standardized testing week at the Middle School, as they feed the entire student body breakfast every day during testing. Then when I got home, I made two big trays of chocolate twice-covered strawberries--once in milk chocolate with an icing of white chocolate for effect. (The effect of getting very fat, that is.)

And the energy couldn't have come too soon. I seem to have discovered 20 pounds that I really don't need, shouldn't keep, and ought to let someone else carry around. But with all the gardening I'm planning this year, and if we keep having 60-degree days, that weight should drop off without too much gnashing and wailing. That's the plan anyway.

And the Spring birthday party season has begun. Little paper flowers announcing, "You're Invited" have begun to sprout across my refrigerator door. The extra sunlight has melted the little snow we had left in the yard. And just a few days back I walked the back yard in little blocks like an archaeologist setting up a dig, and in long rows as you would when pushing a lawn mower. But my task was different: I was hunting for deer and elk scat to add to the compost pile. The neighbor children watched with dismay as I squealed with delight at every new discovery. (My own kids just roll their eyes and yawn at such things.) But as I was walking with purpose I also relaxed into the memory of my first walk in this yard, back when we decided to buy this house. My experience has always been that if you fall in love with the yard first, you've found the right house. As I strolled along my patterns I had the definite feeling that I was massaging the earth beneath my feet, that I was slowly combing the hair of a beloved one. Picking up poop was never so pleasant as it was that day.

My calendar is filling with meetings and luncheons, school events and political appointments, parties and adventures. The Spring thaw has come to town and with it, I thaw as well.

Happy Spring!

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