Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mitty Gritty

Aw, my land! Those GOPpers sho' 'nuff did invade the South last week, didn't they now?
They did such things as: et grits, drawled "y'all", pigged out on barbecue, and hugged some gals!
Whut a week.

Funny thing is, they didn't mention the poverty, unemployment, lack of health care, lousy schools, or the war so many Southerners are fighting in Afghanistan. And they sure didn't seem interested in getting out the vote (well, not after THEIR primaries), nor getting the probes out of ladies' hoo-hoos. Naw suh, they're all just fine with that Photo ID business and that old invasive ultrasound nonsense. And you know they're all A-OK with those inhumane immigration bills/laws. Oh yes, THOSE are the pressing issues, Missy!

Now they're taking their sad little carnival a tad North: Missouri, then Illinois. And while our friends in the press seem to think this to be Romney Country--or realize it just needs to be--I'm sure old Ricky Santo is gonna do a little more sweeping up there. I'm betting on a near solid swath of Santo States all along the Mississippi Valley.

Gingrich seems unwilling to relent--though his patron may be--leaving us to wonder where his votes would go if he were to drop out. You just know he'd attempt to cede his delegates to Santo what with the bitter hatred he harbors for Romney over the whole Iowa situation. But the pundits say that some Gingrich votes yet to be cast would go to Romney. I guess I can see that--the establishment and K Street types--but I think the regular Janes and Joes will ride the Santorum train if Newt's caboose scoots off the rails.

Santorum will win Missouri and will likely give Romney a run for some of his vast fortune in Illinois. Funny really: Show Me the Land of Lincoln and I'll show you anything other than the current GOP field. What would Abe think?

More predictions: The candidates will nosh on St. Louis BBQ ribs, talk a lot about the Cardinals, have photo ops under the Arch, eat Chicago-style pizzas and hotdogs, talk a lot about the Cubs and the White Sox, and have photo ops along Lake Michigan.

But Springfield? I hope that's not a stop on their itineraries. So does Abe.

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